17 September 2009


happy friday folks, cuman 2 hari lagi sebelum lebaran, ooowwwwwwww
sebagai hadiah hari jumat saya kasih lagu2 keren khusus buat hari jumat

- sumpah ini lagu catchy banget, bayangin aja soul turns into balearic, gimana ga sedap?

- ewan pearson? another star who's gonna come to indonesia real soon, i persy love this track


14 September 2009


udah lama juga ga posting sesuatu yang sedikit berisi dari kemaren2 perasaan postingan pendek terus, pas tadi buka blog nya Ngkud ada postingan baru yang dia nulis tentang 10 lagu rave favorit dia, that's really inspiring me to make this article. now i'll make the best 10 tracks ever by Blur, yea Blur! one of the greatest Britpop band ever! yang notabene nya adalah band favorit saya dari jaman sd, sebelumnya saya juga udah pernah posting tentang 10 track terbaik nya The Smiths yang juga band favorit saya. way too much talking, here it comes the list baby!

10. "Popscene" taken from "Modern Life Is Rubbish"
-"but I've never really stopped to think how, and everyone is a clever clone" popsceneee awriteeeeeee, intinya lagu ini masih jauh lebih keren daripada Song 2 atau Coffee & TV, and i really never get bored of this one, especially the clip from this one.

9. "No Distance Left To Run" taken from "13"
-"Cos i know the dreams that you keep is wearing me, when your coming down, think of me here, i got no distance left to run" yes one of the greatest break up song on earth, jauh2 aja dari lagu ini kalo baru putus cinta, daripada jadi nangis sampe air mata habis.

8. "Clover Over Dover" taken from "Parklife"
-"if that is the fact then in actual fact it's not where it's at and it's over" twee! ini satu2nya lagu Blur yang sedikit berbau Tweepop as always suara gitar nya Coxon yang keren banget, walaupun lirknya emang bener2 meaningless, tapi lagu ini bener2 worth buat di denger, oh my bluebird

7. "Girls & Boys" taken from "Parklife"
-"du bist sehr schoen, but we haven't been introduced" this one always takes me to another world, every single time i'm listening to Girls & Boys i feel that i've been in another space of pop, POP!

6. "She's So High" taken from "Leisure"
-"i think of her everyday, it doesn't help me" first single, first album and the early Blur, actually the sound of this track is really bored, so gloomy yea well known the early Blur is a shoegaze band but there's lot of memories inside this song, that's why i'm still putting this one as the greatest track of Blur.

5. "Beetlebum" taken from "Blur"
-"she turns me on all my violence is gone" for fuck's sake, lagu yang paling cocok banget buat kamu yang lagi galau berat! walaupun lagu ini cuman nomer 5 tapi track ini yang masih sering saya denger sampe sekarang, dan saya sama sekali ga bosen buat liat video nya, Albarn rules!

4. "Stereotypes" taken from "The Great Escape"
-"she's most accommodating when she's in her lingerie" lagu ini terlalu keren buat ukuran track2 Britpop Era yang biasanya liriknya kalo engga cinta ya politik, but it's about life, yes they're living on a rubbish life, they're the stereotypes.

3. "Parklife" taken from "Parklife"
-"you should cut down on your porklife mate! get some exercise" let yer spirit free lad! lagu yang bikin hari kamu tambah keren dan menyenangkan but ironically it tells about laziness, it especially is for you people who's got a life like a pig, and it's just like me, i should cut down my porklife, though!

2. "To The End" taken from "Parklife"
-"and it looks like we might have made it, yes it looks like we've made it to the end" it's such the most beautiful song ever, but i don't really get the mean about this one, ambigious lyric it's got. but still, this is the most beautiful song ever, not the best but beautiful. i'd call it song presented as a gift from heaven, really.

1. "For Tomorrow" taken from "Modern Life Is Rubbish"
-"make some tea, says "modern life, well it's rubbish"" congratulations! you are the number one of the list, it's probably the best track of the Britpop Era, neither Country House nor Wonderwall but maybe lot of folks are not conscious about this track, it has very great words on lyrically, what about musically? really awesome, and so we hold each other tightly and hold on for tomorrow.

well, it's really hard to choose 10 best tracks from Blur. though, every songs have a different story to me, i've just tried my best to write. for you Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree, you people are the most amazing creatures alive, ciao!

10 September 2009

"if i can only keep on moving
and never stop and think of me
and free fall through the years and decades
terminal velocity"

5 September 2009


well, semua orang juga tau kalo album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix nya Phoenix udah lama banget keluar dan mungkin juga banyak orang yang tau kalo Phoenix udah show di sini, and i've been there to see the beauty of Phoenix. Too Young, One Time Too Many and Consolation Prizes are my favorite Phoenix tracks ever! i thought that not even one track from Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix can smash my favorite tracks from the other album, but i was wrong.
i'm not gonna say 1901, Lisztomania, Rome or maybe Girlfriend. but this one is the coolest track from Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, yes it's Armistice!
that's the reason why i still listen to Phoenix, this track has stolen my heart away. it's really, oh-god i can't describe it, dan ironisnya saya baru suka lagu ini setelah saya nonton Phoenix. lastly, i'm just really really really in love with Armistice

"the principle of love is that
when you get enough
then you can give it back"

2 September 2009


ay up lad, mungkin buat kita yang ada di daerah jawa barat baru aja kena musibah gempa, yang rada lumayan heboh tadi sore, but now i'm not going to talk about the earthquake anymore, though it's bored, everybody's talking about it but i know that nobody cares about it.
well, beberapa hari kemaren saya bener2 penasaran sama cantiknya Brigitte Bardot well known as the great French-Pop/Chanson musician during 60's, euw! she's really beaute, and i downloaded a song by her, and it's really cool.

mungkin kamu pernah denger istilah oldies but goodies, sesuatu yang kerasa tua tapi masih oke berat, hey mate French is not only having Ed Banger or Eiffel, there's a lot of artists that you should now, mari kita sama-sama buang dulu jauh2 Phoenix, Tahiti 80 atau artis2 Ed Banger dari kepala kita because the real French-Pop is too far away from them.dan buat kamu who feels oldies enough dengan cukup dengerin the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd atau bahkan kamu yang berasa udah keren dengan lagu2 nya Richard Marx atau Julio Iglesias obviously kamu bener-bener jauh dari kata keren!

so i stop talking right now, here comes the coolest French-Pop for your greatest playlist

ah she's just effin beautiful, track yang satu ini bener-bener catchy banget, apalagi kalo kamu dengernya pake mp3 player kamu sambil jalan2 di tempat rame, and it will be the greatest moment of your life, aiiiiiiiiiiii! and don't you ever think that Edith Piaf is cooler than Hardy, you sucks!
it's got the sweetest voice ever, kalo kamu mikir suaranya Annie, SoKo atau Sally Shapiro adalah suara perempuan paling cute sedunia, you are failed! dan mungkin suara mereka itu ngikutin banget ke-cute-an nya si Vanessa Paradis, for fuck's sake it's the cutest voice ever

have you ever listened to Love Will Tear Us Apart's Nouvelle Vague version? drumline nya bener-bener mirip banget sama lagu ini, tapi yang jelas saya lebih suka yang ini daripada Nouvelle Vague jauh lebih keren, and indeed this song is really deep although i don't even understand what it's saying, language kills!

mungkin doi adalah next generation dari si Edith Piaf, it has a great voice character, mungkin saking kerenya ini lagu, it's really hard to be described, seriously i'm just in love with this one, you should be having it. i tell you something, kalo kamu lagi galau/stress udah bukan saatnya lagi nyari track dreampop, this one is your big solution, try it.

dan masih sangat-sangat banyak lagi artis2 French yang keren dari Serge Gainsbourg sampe Charlotte Gainsbourg but we'll talk about it later lah ya, cape buat review nya
au revoir!


well cukup tegang juga, barusan beberapa menit yang lalu banget ada gempa and it's got enough power to demolish my own house. bayangin aja pas lagi solat, tiba2 gempa. what should i do?
di terusin aja solat sampe beres, trus kabur keluar. then..
it seemed like everybody has gotta go out from their cribs, gila semua orang di luar
semua pada teriak, dan keliatan banget everybody were facing the truth that they're really afraid of dying! saya cuman diem bentar, i thought about dead, it can come anytime it wants to come, anytime my friend. don't be afraid of dead, because dead is the biggest part of our life