ay up lad, mungkin buat kita yang ada di daerah jawa barat baru aja kena musibah gempa, yang rada lumayan heboh tadi sore, but now i'm not going to talk about the earthquake anymore, though it's bored, everybody's talking about it but i know that nobody cares about it.
well, beberapa hari kemaren saya bener2 penasaran sama cantiknya Brigitte Bardot well known as the great French-Pop/Chanson musician during 60's, euw! she's really beaute, and i downloaded a song by her, and it's really cool.
mungkin kamu pernah denger istilah oldies but goodies, sesuatu yang kerasa tua tapi masih oke berat, hey mate French is not only having Ed Banger or Eiffel, there's a lot of artists that you should now, mari kita sama-sama buang dulu jauh2 Phoenix, Tahiti 80 atau artis2 Ed Banger dari kepala kita because the real French-Pop is too far away from them.dan buat kamu who feels oldies enough dengan cukup dengerin the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd atau bahkan kamu yang berasa udah keren dengan lagu2 nya Richard Marx atau Julio Iglesias obviously kamu bener-bener jauh dari kata keren!
so i stop talking right now, here comes the coolest French-Pop for your greatest playlist
ah she's just effin beautiful, track yang satu ini bener-bener catchy banget, apalagi kalo kamu dengernya pake mp3 player kamu sambil jalan2 di tempat rame, and it will be the greatest moment of your life, aiiiiiiiiiiii! and don't you ever think that Edith Piaf is cooler than Hardy, you sucks!
it's got the sweetest voice ever, kalo kamu mikir suaranya Annie, SoKo atau Sally Shapiro adalah suara perempuan paling cute sedunia, you are failed! dan mungkin suara mereka itu ngikutin banget ke-cute-an nya si Vanessa Paradis, for fuck's sake it's the cutest voice ever
have you ever listened to Love Will Tear Us Apart's Nouvelle Vague version? drumline nya bener-bener mirip banget sama lagu ini, tapi yang jelas saya lebih suka yang ini daripada Nouvelle Vague jauh lebih keren, and indeed this song is really deep although i don't even understand what it's saying, language kills!
mungkin doi adalah next generation dari si Edith Piaf, it has a great voice character, mungkin saking kerenya ini lagu, it's really hard to be described, seriously i'm just in love with this one, you should be having it. i tell you something, kalo kamu lagi galau/stress udah bukan saatnya lagi nyari track dreampop, this one is your big solution, try it.
dan masih sangat-sangat banyak lagi artis2 French yang keren dari Serge Gainsbourg sampe Charlotte Gainsbourg but we'll talk about it later lah ya, cape buat review nya
au revoir!
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