baru kemaren-kemaren banget saya baca review tentang film ini di Bloody Disgusting dan mereka kasih film ini 5 bintang. dan abis gitu tadi saya abis maen dari rumah temen saya si Ngkud taunya dia baru download ini film, saya copy ke hdd and then i've just finished watching this film, it especially is for you who really likes a bloody massacre film such as Braindead (Dead Alive) or either Evil Dead I or II dan yang jelas ini bukan merupakan sekuel daripada si Shaun Of The Dead. film ini nyeritain dimana ada suatu kota busuk which is containing with full of soldier of corpses who get their life back and attack the bloody prom night. dan beberapa siswa kebetulan emang ga bisa hadir di acara itu dan mereka mulai ngebantai satu2 dari si zombies tersebut. kepala pecah, darah muncrat dan bagian2 tubuh lepas2 adalah bagian paling oke di film ini, kalo yang emang buat nonton iseng2an doang lumayan lah film ini walaupun masih jauh banget sama kekerenan Braindead, i rate this 6.5 out of 10 points. tschussy!
30 October 2009
28 October 2009
mungkin beberapa orang pernah ngalamin dimana dia kegilaan sama satu band/artis atau apapun itu sampe bener2 ngejadiin si itu tersebut adalah dewa untuk kamu, kecintaan kamu pada sesuatu tersebut bikin kamu jadi ter-obsesi tergila dan ter2 lainya dan sampai suatu saat dimana kamu pelan2 lupa sama hal itu dan bener2 hilang! and then kamu berfikir kalo kamu dulu sempet kegilaan but you really can't get back to that time because it was really sick!
beberapa taun kemaren saya masih bisa buat dengerin Daydream Nation, Experimental Jet Set Trash and No Star setiap hari dan sempat berfikir, "what was Thurston Moore made of?"
yaudah lupain aja lagi males buat bahas Sonic Youth sekarang takut disangka anak Indie yang nulis2 Kim Gordon and the gank di blog nya, it was really a long long time ago, my son!
yaudah lupain aja lagi males buat bahas Sonic Youth sekarang takut disangka anak Indie yang nulis2 Kim Gordon and the gank di blog nya, it was really a long long time ago, my son!
dan saya punya sederet lagu catchy buat nemenin kamu di minggu ini
ini lagu lama tau! iya tau terus kenapa? saya sukanya baru2 ini ko gara2 di kasih tau si Ngkud, ah gila Ngkud lagi Ngkud lagi, biarin aja dia kan kamus musik masa kini. eh lagu ini keren banget tau ga sih download deh tong.
ih tau ga sih Private kan band pop yang in banget di Denmark taun 80an kemaren waktu orang lagi sibuk2nya sama New Wave, lagu ini emang catchy banget tapi begitu di remix sama si Lifelike which commonly known as French House Dj ini jadi lebih catchy dan danceable wow
wah Armistice kan track favorit saya di album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix dan YACHT adalah artis yang lagi aga sering saya denger belakangan ini, tapi sayang banget udah semuanya favorit dari lagunya sampe yang nge-remix nya tapi hasilnya ga begitu memuaskan, cih
satu hal yang mungkin terpikir ini adalah gerombolan anak2 di bawah usia yang nyanyi lagu orang dewasa, hell no my son! ini bukan Baby's Gang si italo freak itu, mereka adalah Pseudonym dan Trevor Jackson yang saya juga ga tau siapa, pokonya keren lah kamu tau sendiri Ewan Pearson kan selalu keren kalo remixing lagu.
Rave? sedikit di bagian intronya mirip track nya Bizarre Inc. dan juga Zomby yang Float
[Rec] 2
buat kamu yang ngerasa anak gaul film pasti udah nonton dong [Rec] atau yang lebih ngetop karena remake nya yang judulnya Quarantine, iya ga? ehh apa? belum? kamu ga gaul banget sih masa baru nonton nya Twillight sama Juno aja udah ngaku anak gaul film, lemah. ya intinya itu film tentang virus rabies yang amat mengerikan yang nyebar di satu apartemen gitu lah, dan bakalan lebih mengerikan lagi kalo kamu nonton aja sendiri karena disini saya bukan mau ngomongin film itu tapi karena saya lagi kesel abis gara2 tadi malem baru aja download [Rec] 2 yang baru banget release, edan ya up to date banget ga sih, tapi taunya kualitas gambarnya kontol banget lah gara2 saya ga baca penjelasanya kalo itu film bukan DVDrip, udah lah kontol banget anjis, ini saya kasih link nya ke kamu2 semua biar download dan menyesal juga.
Parts : 200 mb
24 October 2009
yes finally i've watched this film, which is the world's greatest gore film so far. saya udah nonton banyak film2 gore dari yang biasa sampe yang, ah what a blood fucken bath! dari Cannibal Holocaust sampe I'interieur udah saya babat habis, tapi baru di film ini saya ngerasa anjing tegang nya ampun dari awal sampe akhir, dan emang mungkin Prancis lah negara yang paling produktif ngebuat film2 gore/cult kelas atas, and when you think The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is gore enough for you then it's rougher than that hollywood shit, France always do anything better! itungan saya buat film2 gore bukan berdasar script atau yang mainya, so how do i call a gore movie as a real gore movie? where the people really get tortured until the blood is squirting out from their body then they scream "motherfucker please stooooopppppppppppp it!" that's what i call a good quality of gore movie
dan mungkin cuman di film ini kamu bisa liat cewe di kulitin sampe abis dan dia masih bisa hidup dan kamu bisa liat urat2 sampe sendi2 si cewe it, fuck yeah. it has to be given 9 points out of 10!
setelah beberapa hari ini sempet gila lagi sama film, 2 hari berturut2 ga berenti download film trus nonton dan download lagi dan nonton lagi, sampe barusan dimana saya baru beres nonton Reservoir Dogs, ya film pertamanya Quentin Tarantino which commonly known as flashbacker movie's director, ya lumayan lah film nya dan ada salah satu track di film itu Disco tepatnya duh saya lupa judulnya, keren banget lah itu lagunya.
saya aga kecewa sama single barunya LCD Soundsystem terlalu aneh dan ga banget! dan masih seputar kekecewaan, saya juga aga sebel sama track2 yang di download minggu ini, rasanya ga ada yang bagus kecuali mungkin Fingers Of Steel nya Sebastien Tellier yang di remix sama Hypnolove. dan malem ini juga si Jacques Renault salah satu dj nya DFA bakalan maen di sini, but i've gotta think twice whether i go to the party or not, money kills my friend!
17 October 2009
baru aja beberapa jam yang lalu saya beres nonton Gran Torino,
oh yes is that a game in Playstation where you can drive your super-duper-faster-stronger Escudo in Laguna Seca?
oh yes is that a game in Playstation where you can drive your super-duper-faster-stronger Escudo in Laguna Seca?
fuck no! there's no japan-shit-automobile in this film, but there are lots of motherfvcker Vietcong retards inside this film.
Clint Eastwood lah aktor utama dan yang paling keren di film ini
Clint Eastwood lah aktor utama dan yang paling keren di film ini
hell yes, he was a wild son of a bitch cowboy, with a revolver full of bullets on his hand and bang bang you're dead! ah matchless. dan jangan kamu pikir dia jadi koboy di film ini trus naek kuda nembakin anak buahnya Busta Rhymes dijalanan. he's just a legion at war, who's got no sense for people around him. suddenly a little coward from Vietnam changes his life until the dead do them apart. ah sad, i almost cried during watching this film. i give this one 9 out of 10.
it's perfect, just perfect!
15 October 2009
ehm, setelah kemaren2 sempet kena The XX fever, ya si XX emang gila namanya aja jelek tapi album nya wuih, it really did make me going insane! fvken enufffffff..i've got really enough from them, so what am i going to do now? music sharing, yeah but before i do it tiiiiiiiit move backwards for a moment, you know what? a couple days ago i just did a thing that i've been wanting to do for a long time, really glad to say that i finally met her. who is she? ask your mother foken loren
i've just seen the cutest thing on earth. man, her smile did wake my dead-brain up.
way too much talking, just get back to the topic immediately. enjoy the tracks below dud
she says i'm not romantic, i say she's too dramatic, the original track is pretty lame it's not like f-f-f-fancy f-f-f-fotwork work work f-f-f-f-a-a-ancy fotwork work work but it gets retouched by skream, well known as the coolest Dubstep artist in galaxy. so it's more tasty now
Bat For Lashes – Pearl’s Dream (Skream’s Pour Another Glass of Champers Remix)
Bat For Lashes – Pearl’s Dream (Skream’s Pour Another Glass of Champers Remix)
which Bat For Lashes album does always turn you on? Fur and Gold? so which song then? Horse And I? i tell you what, it's really hard to accept hers sound into my ears. but don't get me wrong, i do love folk-pop all the way. i've listened from Bob Dylan to Laura Marling for many times. i didn't like Bat For Lashes so well but Skream, oh Skream again? he made this track more fancy. and now i'm gonna try listening to Fur and Gold for the second time. are my ears still rejecting Bat For Lashes? i'll ask peter answer later
geil! anotha dubstepazz but he's comin from helsinki. Dubstep is not only from UK my friend. forget about Hyperdub or Tempa artists for a while, cuz itz gonna'b the biggest hit fo yo wivin 5 minutes, fer sher! on yer marks dawg, massive hit will dig up yer room real soon and don't forget to bring a pack of snack. ps : its sound a bit lyk Rusko doooh.
4:43 AM, ah i'm gonna jump to my bed now.
14 October 2009
"i believe you can make forces of good and evil work for you, to get what you want" yeah fucken GG ALLIN rules! disgusting.
tau ga sih, saya baru aja beres dengerin V A - 5 : 5 years of Hyperdub, which is saingan beratnya V A - the legendary cobra from Hypermart, fvkt. dan tau ga sih kemaren2 saya baru nonton film Autopsy, sebuah film lanjutan dari Ada Apa Dengan Cinta.
yang mana ada bagian setan teriak YOU WANTED TO KILL HELENA MARKOS? YOU WANTED TO KILL HELENA MARKOS? oh salah kalo itu Suspiria, jadi si Autopsy itu ceritanya tentang orang nyasar, tabrakan dan malah masuk ke pejagalan a.k.a tempat potong sapi.
intinya semua pada dipotong2 jeroanya dan juga kepala kaki pundak lutut semuanya, KVLT!
film yang juga di perankan oleh bondan winarno dan cornelia agatha itu bener2 ga cocok buat anak di bawah umur, ya bayangin aja sendiri nanti headlines koran2 jadi "anak sd potong kepala ibunya karena percaya di dalam otaknya ada emas" kool.
nah gara2 film itu juga saya jadi pengen nyongkel mata temen saya yang lagi tidur di kamar saya ini, abis di congkel nanti coba di jadiin gundu wah seru tuh, tapi saya kasian karena matanya tinggal satu, jadi aja saya liat video nya Paramore barusan, what? panadol? no it's not, it's Paramore, yes they're cool though. at least they're bettah than Avril Lavigne
mereka adalah sekumpulan remaja homeless yang hobinya mencuri pakaian dalam dan menghisap kokain dari Tony Montana, enggalah becanda. tapi mereka hobi mencuri bank bersama Vinnie Jones, ih apa sih ga banget, bohong lagi ini juga.
nih liat nih liat nih liat
gokil men, doi2 pada ngover lagunya Phoenix si band Indiepop paling keren seantero galaksi. so when they'll be covering The Clash's London Calling? or maybe Joy Division's Heart and Soul? ask peter answer then..huhuy
tau ga sih, saya baru aja beres dengerin V A - 5 : 5 years of Hyperdub, which is saingan beratnya V A - the legendary cobra from Hypermart, fvkt. dan tau ga sih kemaren2 saya baru nonton film Autopsy, sebuah film lanjutan dari Ada Apa Dengan Cinta.
yang mana ada bagian setan teriak YOU WANTED TO KILL HELENA MARKOS? YOU WANTED TO KILL HELENA MARKOS? oh salah kalo itu Suspiria, jadi si Autopsy itu ceritanya tentang orang nyasar, tabrakan dan malah masuk ke pejagalan a.k.a tempat potong sapi.
intinya semua pada dipotong2 jeroanya dan juga kepala kaki pundak lutut semuanya, KVLT!
film yang juga di perankan oleh bondan winarno dan cornelia agatha itu bener2 ga cocok buat anak di bawah umur, ya bayangin aja sendiri nanti headlines koran2 jadi "anak sd potong kepala ibunya karena percaya di dalam otaknya ada emas" kool.
nah gara2 film itu juga saya jadi pengen nyongkel mata temen saya yang lagi tidur di kamar saya ini, abis di congkel nanti coba di jadiin gundu wah seru tuh, tapi saya kasian karena matanya tinggal satu, jadi aja saya liat video nya Paramore barusan, what? panadol? no it's not, it's Paramore, yes they're cool though. at least they're bettah than Avril Lavigne
mereka adalah sekumpulan remaja homeless yang hobinya mencuri pakaian dalam dan menghisap kokain dari Tony Montana, enggalah becanda. tapi mereka hobi mencuri bank bersama Vinnie Jones, ih apa sih ga banget, bohong lagi ini juga.
nih liat nih liat nih liat
gokil men, doi2 pada ngover lagunya Phoenix si band Indiepop paling keren seantero galaksi. so when they'll be covering The Clash's London Calling? or maybe Joy Division's Heart and Soul? ask peter answer then..huhuy
INSANE! cuman satu kata itu yang kepikiran di kepala waktu kemaren2 dengerin "Balance Presents Electric 04 Mixed by DJ Agent 86" yes yes it is! a great mixtape which is containing with full of cccccaatttcchhhyyy tunes inside! bayangin aja mixtape gila ini langsung di mulai sama 40 Thieves dan nyambung ke Aeroplane. lastly, the craziest tune is in track number 18 which is Mawkish - Formula Futuro (Glitch & Spiller Remix), it shakes my head up and down and up and down and so on. you should have this one
"don't cry, you can rely on me honey, you can come by anytime you want" oh really? ah wilco is never enough for me. is it raining outside? no, it's already done but there's a storm in my mind.
been feeling so worse than before lately. all i need to do is to sit here and listen to this deal.
i'm not going anywhere after this post beside to sleep, it's just another way to prove how poor my gloomy night is. lastly i'm going to say hello to you, how're ya doin today?
"and if they are color blind, they make me feel, that you're only what i see sometimes" and it's about 15-20 years later from now, we'll be seeing each other again. it's pretty lame, isn't it? ah i don't know, i don't feel so well right now.
Au Revoir, b e a u t e
10 October 2009
8 October 2009
dari dulu selalu kepikir buat bikin track2 Dubstep favorit, dan satu hal yang selalu kepikiran dan itu adalah bagian paling sulit, gimana cara describing track per track-nya? but now, i'll let you know my top 10 favorite dubstep tracks ever, enjoy!
- dirty! "you are listening to benga, diary of an afro warrior"
8. Mala - Left Leg Out
- it has an epic sound, i'm really into this shit
- it has an epic sound, i'm really into this shit
- the never ending big drumline beats!
6. Ramadanman - Offal
- low-low-low-hard-hard-hard-MASSIVE HARD-low-low-HARDEST!
- now, wake da' fuck up! obviously this one is the truly bad-ass track
- where were u in '92? probably the best Dubstep album of the year, it hardly kills
3. Caspa feat. D1 - Victoria's Secret
- i fell in love at the first time with this track, it's fantastic, sweet and lovable
- i'm saying hello to mr. Ollie-fantastic-Jones! the greatest man in Dubstep so far (my thoughts)
- do i need some reasons? the national anthem of Dub-fuckin-Step, the best song of 2007 what else then? it's gonna kick yer fuckin ass
ahhh, it took more than an hour to write this post and also there'll be more artists on my favorite list, such as Loefah, Martyn, Kromestar, Ikonika, Milanese, Pinch, Distance and much much much more, Au Revoir!
stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking worthless cocksucker~ kata2 itu keluar dari si mulut setan di salah satu scene di film ini. finally ilang juga rasa penasaran saya tentang one of the greatest horror films ever, yes it's The Exorcist, baru aja tadi malem saya nonton di rumah temen saya si Ngkud, terlalu hebat buat masa itu untuk bikin film se ajaib ini, yes it was 1973 dimana mungkin ide orang buat bikin film horror masih sebatas gitu2 aja, dan kamu salah besar kalo sengaja nonton film ini cuman buat "shock therapy" because you will never find something shocking within 2 hours of this movie but you'll be seeing the never ending tortured instead!
Linda Blair's really awesome here, Au Revoir!
"When you think the night has seen your mind
That inside youre twisted and unkind
Let me stand to show that you are blind
Please put down your hands, cause I see you"
The Velvet Underground and Nico - I'll Be Your Mirror
That inside youre twisted and unkind
Let me stand to show that you are blind
Please put down your hands, cause I see you"
The Velvet Underground and Nico - I'll Be Your Mirror
6 October 2009
Classix, yes they are sick! Lisztomania nya Phoenix yang di remix sama mereka adalah lagu yang pertama saya denger dari Classixx, at first biasa2 aja dan cuma mikir "ah cuma lagi trend aja nge-mix lagu kaya gini" tapi begitu di denger berulang2, thought, they're really different, they ain't only pieces of shit, they're a big thing! sampe akhirnya dengerin mereka re-mixing lagunya Holy Ghost, oh man it's a good thing though. dan karena saya baik hati jadi saya kasih lagu2 yang di remix sama mereka, here it goes..
"i've known of your
your secluded nights
i've even seen her
maybe once or twice
but is her sweet expression
worth more than my love and affection"
ah siapa sih yang ga tau Diana Ross and the Supremes? well, lagu ini mungkin lebih cocok disebut
ah siapa sih yang ga tau Diana Ross and the Supremes? well, lagu ini mungkin lebih cocok disebut
"the greatest break-up song ever" but you need to listen to it more than once, coba terus-terusan di denger and it probably will make you senyum2 sendiri dan ngebayangin how pathetic your life is.
i've just deleted several posts from my blog, it's really uncool though.
setelah dipikir2, ga harus juga apa yang dirasa harus di tulis di blog..hahaha
well, these songs are the most played songs in my list within the last week
this post might be re-posting from my deleted posts, here it comes the list
lyric kills! sama sekali ga ada niat pada awalnya buat download lagu ini, dari nama band nya aja sama sekali ga menjual, but it was number one on hypem popular charts, lastly di download lah lagu ini, then love at the first sight. this one is a good thing! sedikit ngingetin kita sama suaranya amy millan
it's not Re-Mix, it's a Re-Make song! the xx has successfully turned a bad song into a great song, the original one is like a crap, but the xx do more than the original. you should try this one
everybody loves Aeroplane, who doesn't?
sqzmylmns means dgaw8d9a82u9udaua9ud0aus90ua09du0ad2, i really don't get it
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