26 August 2009


a few hours ago, maybe i still got fucked on my head. everything reminds me of her
can you imagine this one, i could erase all of my sweet memories cuman gara2 dengerin lagu doang! so let the story begins

i drove through the flyover, watched the city lights and just listened to Dubstar
my handy was ringing, and i just saw it ringing and ringing. but it still can't stop ringing!
so then i answered the call, but there's no one talking. i don't have any idea, siapa nih yang iseng nelfon jam setengah 3 pagi pake private number.

unting someone sang a song to me and it sounds "if you need somebody to love you
well then i'll be the one who's there, yes i'll be the one who's there"
ANJING! ko bisa pas banget ini orang nyanyi sama lagu yang lagi saya denger, and i was thinking for a moment, oh god what is it?
and she told me "don't be sad, everything is always turning around because they always have the patterns. just remember your lovely grandmom in heaven, then you will never ever be sad again. i promise to you, i'll be helping you, come with me"
well, i don't know what to say. i'm just not sad anymore

and i did know who the fuckin is it, i know. i've been denying you for a long time, but you always come to me if i get a problem. thank you so much, you've just built me up, i'm going with you my so-called bestmate :)

25 August 2009


17-08-08 when everything started to happen
25-08-09 suddenly everything stopped to happen, and it will never happen again
you know what?between 17-08-8 until 25-08-09, the greatest thing ever happened in my life
but now, i have just lost my guardian, though she's the greatest person ever
i have lost my everything, but now is not time to cry. because everything has changed

and what about ireland?i'm on it.
goodbye my owly, you are still the best thing ever happened in my life

the smiths - i know it's over

23 August 2009




"and as the smack cracks at your window
you wake up with a gun in your mouth
oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins
and i'll stay at home in my house"

udah aga lama juga ga dengerin suara Brett Anderson begitu tadi buka iTunes saya ga denger playlist biasa, langsung cari list Britpop, dan tertuju langsung ke album Dog Man Star nya Suede dengerin Heroine, This Holywood Life, The Wild Ones langsung sampe sekarang masih denger We Are the Pigs yang adalah salah satu track Suede paling keren menurut saya.

oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins, coba aja kalo dosa emang bisa ditiup terus ilang gitu aja, wah saya mau. dan kalaupun harus di bom pake nuklir sampe mati asal dosa ilang semua juga saya mau, haha.

"we are the pigs, we are the swine
we are the stars of the firing line"


barusan saya ol facebook, trus liat di news feed ada si Airis baru update statusnya. dia emang bukan pacar saya, tapi dia temen saya dari jaman flinstones. oh iya satu lagi saya kangen pisan si airis, rasanya udah 20 taun ga ketemu, padahal baru 3 taun. kalo aja kanada - bandung teh deketnya sama kaya bandung - garut, edel tiap hari main da ke rumah airis.

22 August 2009


barusan saya ikutin salah satu kuis di facebook yang judulnya seberapa goblok otak kamu then the result is otak udang kalo otak saya cuman segede otak udang saya malahan syukur, ga akan pernah geger otak kalo jatoh atau gimana paling itu otak goyang dikit

Black Devil Disco Club - The Devil In Us


postingan sebelum ini warnanya jadi ngaco semua, semua ngaco
warna ngaco, tetangga ngaco, tukang sayur ngaco, nurdin m top ngaco
ngaco semua

masih tetep sama aja - revolution is only for monkey

beberapa hari dalam minggu kemaren saya lagi bengong di kamar, tiba2 ada bunyi, one day we're gonna live in paris, i promise, i'm on it oh ada telefon yang saya ga tau nomer siapa itu. tiba2 lah terjadi percakapan

saya : halo
stranger : halo, dengan eydel guntara?
saya : bukan saya asep dayat, eydel guntara nya lagi cebok
stranger : setan lo jangan becanda, ini gw sjaiffa

udah aja beres karena mungkin terlalu panjang buat di tulis.
gini ceritanya, sifa itu adalah temen saya dari jaman suka maen cs, game yang dulu hype banget kita jadi teroris atau polisi mabukberaaatttttt.

ya intinya dia temen lama saya dan udah bertaun2 ga ketemu because she had to move to ireland!WELCOME TO EUROPE MY FRIEND!
abis gitu, kita janjian ketemuan akhirnya. McDonalds buah batu bandung lah tempat kita ketemu, kita janjian jam 10 malem disana.

dalam keadaan yang sebenernya saya masih GALAU karena cinta saya pergi aja akhirnya, daripada gila sendiri. MANDI dulu ganti baju, wangi2. masih inget pake kaos yang di kasih si Andi yang appleyard celana jeans sama vans, gila keren banget sih kamu, kata pembantu saya si mbak atun.

akhirnya saya jalan ke bubat, rada macet dikit tapi sampe jam 10 lewat dikit, and then..
WHO ALRIGHT YEAH UH HUH griya nya macet banget, tapi akhirnya dapet parkir.
jalan kaki ke McD dengan sedikit tegang.

akhirnya masuk, celingak linguk dikit. kaya orang pilon, dan saya liat ada cewek pake kaos Blondie gombrang, celana skinny dan converse hitam kucel, well she's sjaiffa

dan dia teriak, "eydelllllllll" kita berpelukan dan langsung saya duduk di tempat dia duduk, dan ternyata ada egga juga, egga adalah anak grunge abis temen dari jaman semar yang udah lama ga ketemu juga.

abis gitu kita makan sambil ngobrol2, then gw pikir ini taun 2002 waktu kita masih jaman maen cs bareng2. woo it's 2009 dan semua sama sekali ga berubah!
abis puas ketawa2 sampe sekitaran jam 12an kita pergi bareng, keliling2 bandung sambil ngobrol2.

sifa nyalain tape mobil dia, dia colok iPod track pertama iPod bikin saya langsung nanya
ANJIS KEREN BANGET INI LAGU NYA SIAPA?yang saya denger pertama itu kaya indie rock/folk gitu, tapi sumpah obscure banget sound nya.
dia bilang itu lagunya The Phoenix Foundation judulnya Blue Summer, anjis lagunya emang keren banget.

dan akhirnya beres sekitaran jam 5 pagi, saya balik dia balik egga bali semua balik

songs of the day:
Downtown Party Network - Heart Break Dancing
Super Mal - blood & sun

foto dan cerita selanjutnya menyusul!segera!

20 August 2009

tainted love

get yer own life dearlene, and i'll get mine. i couldn't stand anymore with you
i'd like to stand by my own feet bye bye

Soft Cell - Tainted Love

Aeroplane feat. Kathy Diamond - Whispers

19 August 2009

for fuck's sake

160kh. c200. 10-ton truck. flyover then bluuarrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
for fuck's sake i am not dead yet ~

the most catchy tunes of the week :

Asobi Seksu - Familiar Light (Twins Remix)
"Where is the space in our heads for hopeful thoughts to grow" fuck!

18 August 2009

ty mi b, y'r so awsm

thanks for the best moments that you've given to me, even it's only for a mmmmm
you didn't give me everything, but it's almost. your llllllll that i'll be missing to see
your hot-shot carrying that i'll be missing to feel.

thanks for the mmmmm, it works to me, i haven't got ill yet
i almost forget, thanks for the so-called "lady banana", even i didn't eeee it
lastly, big thanks to you for the bbbrrrr, for a moment i thought it was a shirt or something because the package looked like that ~ silly me.

there's a BIG SORRY for you, honestly we've gotta back to our way before
and the waterfalls?it's all about someday..be good a lad

The Carpenters - Superstar

ps : there's ton of folks waiting for you =)

15 August 2009

i'll be missing "the sandwich", dearleene

you haven't made it for me, you promise to me that you will make the greatest sandwich ever for me. you told me that nobody's insane, nobody's gonna get blamed. oh well, this is totally my fault but at least make this one for me ~

i do always remember "the sandwich" while i'm listening to these songs below

Inner Life - I'm Caught Up (In A One Night Love Affair)
~ it wasn't just one night, lol. we got caught by yer mum. hahaha
Sprinkles - Ball'r (Madonna-Free Zone)
~ we were just talking in mute
Cat Power - How Can I Tell You
~ the deadly 33 seconds song
Nathan Fake - You Are Here
~ oh god i'm just drowning in a sea of love
In Flagranti - Louvre For Yo
~ well goodbye ms. Sandwich

13 August 2009

more than a woman

those are gays?hell no, they're the big part of the world. so what am i going to talk to?they only got a little luck but not unlucky, yet how much people care about them?i'd rather call them as a legend than the Rolling Stones, yes they are Bee Gees. the truly legend ~
just watch these part of lyrics below, i've been raped by it

"Suddenly you're in my life
Part of everything I do
You got me working day and night
Just trying to keep a hold on you.

Here in your arms I found my paradise
My only chance for happiness
And if I lose you now I think I would die."

Bee Gees - More Than a Woman

11 August 2009

much lov for ya

her name is Miss Fitz, i have no idea whether she knows about Glenn Danzig or not. at least she is effin beautiful. oh i love her so ~

Miss Fitz - Fetal Err9r
Miss Fitz - Fetal Err9r (Dafluke Baby Got Err9r Remix)
Miss Fitz live dj set

10 August 2009

god save the italo disco

it sounds very gay, but gayness sound is awesome, total great!
"because we can never be too straight"-(Andi Memang)

Baby's Gang - My Little Japanese Boy
(download via disco workout)
there is no doubt for this one, this is the greatest Italo track ever ever ever ever
you should try it before you feel so regret, if you aren't gonna download it then i'll kill you
ahahahahahaha. though this one is really great

Kano - I'm Ready
setelah dia pensiun jadi petarung di mortal kombat dia langsung banting setir jadi musisi, but there's two kano, si kano italo sama si kano grime. actually i've never heard about kano grime but kano italo is cool, this track will make you explode and you will be asking for more kano. will be there another kano dangdut?or kano smackdown, we'll see brader

Geneva Jacuzzi - The Walk 2
the walk 2 = blue monday, blue monday = the walk 2
bayangin aja sendiri di dalem lagu ini ada orang tereak2, awwww awwww
lucu ga sih lagunya, try this one before you dead

Azoto - San Salvador
super catchy tunes it's got, you will listen to funk, mid-70's disco tunes inside this one
and you know what, this one makes my grandma slam dance

Solid Strangers - My Delight
jangan pernah lupa buat masukin lagu ini ke mp3 player atau playlist kamu selagi kamu di mobil, karena yang akan terjadi adalah you'll be hypnotized by this one, surely because it happened to me. pas lagi nyetir sendiri kamu bakalan ngebayangin ada godzilla menghancurkan kota kamu, this one is really sick

Koto - Visitors
are you ready for the floor?or are you ready for senam kesehatan jasmani?
ini cocok banget buat ibu2 yang doyan senam atau gym-ing atau buat yang suka arisan ga jelas sambil denger lagu ini juga keren.

Digital Emotion - Go Go Yellow Screen
jangan pernah berfikir kalo yang ada Emotion nya pasti band emo atau screamo atau kacang rebus, kalo kamu dengerin beat2 sama tunes lagu ini kamu pasti langsung bakalan ke inget sama band so-called electronic lokal yang namanya ada goodnight2 nya gitu deh

nanti saya posting lagi italo2an kalo udah ga males, dadah

it's spinning around

last night i had a dream about a group of tigers then they successfully ate me. obviously, i should be dead but i don't. inside the belly of a tiger i think about life, what have i been doing for 3 days?i've been thinking about how could i lose my best thing, how could i lose my breath and how could i lose my everything. that dream has opened my eyes, i will have a new life. i'll have a great life, though. and i will never ever do the same routine anymore, it's great.

and there will be no more "tessio, la ritournelle or maybe we are the people"

goodbye owly, i will never forger your funny laugh. everything is spinning around and everything will be back to where they belong to, i don't belong to you and i don't belong to everyone. volare!

Sebastien Tellier - La Ritournelle (Original)

a decade of hero worship

well, mungkin ini adalah mixtape ter-catchy sepanjang sejarah. jadi gini tadi saya main kerumah temen saya si ngkud ahli musik bandung, langsung di sodorin album ini dan dia cerita kalo sebenernya ini adalah mixtape rahasia nya si In Flagranti yang kamu mau tau apa?
bayangin aja dalemnya ada 30 tracks yang ga ada ID-tag nya, jadi semua nama lagunya cuman track 1 - 30 doang, waw dan dia juga cerita lagi kalo mixtape ini emang sengaja dibuat gitu, biar kita yang nebak2 sendiri ada lagu apa aja di dalemnya. dan sampe saat saya nulis ini saya baru sampe ke track 12 dan sejauh ini tau ga sih. IT'S THE GREATEST MIXTAPE EVER!

saya seneng loh, uahuhsyagsygshashuasyasguasusuhauhsuahs
terima kasih banyak buat Aditya I.P a.k.a Ngkud Hawtin